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Loans Singapore
credit loan

What is credit loan in Singapore?

There are many types of loans offered in Singapore, either by Banks or Licensed Money Lender. Accessing those facilities does not just come automatically. There are some requirements that you have to meet before a loan is advanced to you. However, those requirements vary between lenders. For instance, Banks have more stringent rules as compared […]

Singapore Business Loans
Personal Loan

What is a personal loans in Singapore?

When it comes to personal loans, we are dealing with a very wide branch of the credit market in Singapore, a form of financing that together with the home loan represents most of the requests of Singaporeans looking for financing.  But what are personal loans in Singapore?  This is a fixed interest rate loan granted […]

Personal Loan in Singapore
secured loan Singapore

Personal loan vs payday loan in Singapore

Finding yourself in the middle of some financial emergency is not an inconceivable thing. More often than not, such situations do arise where one has to take a loan to cater to their professional or personal errands. Opting for a loan seems highly feasible when you do not have sufficient savings or investments. There are […]

Reliable Moneylender Singapore
secured loan Singapore

Difference between Secured Loan Singapore and Unsecured Loan

The right loan for you depends on your needs and personal circumstances. There are different options to choose from. In general, loans can be classified into two categories: Secured Loan Singapore and Unsecured loans. A secured loan has security attached to it while the unsecured loan does not carry any security. Below are the main […]

Singapore Loan Sharks
secured loan Singapore

Loan Scam In Singapore

Between January and November 2019, at least 1700 cases have been reported, with at least $6.8 million cheated. Victims would typically receive a SMS text message or WhatsApp message offering loan services. The sender may even claim to be a staff from a licensed moneylender. Interested parties are then instructed to transfer a sum of […]