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Tips and Guides

What is a Debt Consolidation Loan?

If you are here, you probably have two or more debts pending repayments. The debts may be from your personal loans, credit card loans, and more from several creditors. Let’s be frank, debt can stress you. So, what about having different obligations? You’ll have to bow to the high-interest demand while trying to beat the […]

Tips and Guides

What Should You Do Before Taking a Loan?

Have you ever found yourself living from pay check to pay check? Well, if yes, you’re not alone. This is probably the life of every other Singapore resident! Saving most times becomes hard when responsibilities hit. You have to strive hard to pay every bill and keep yourself happy. Affording luxury can be a thing […]

Personal Loan

Differences between a Short-Term Loan and a Long-Term Loan

When you need money, you can either decide to get a long-term loan or a short-term loan. It all depends on the kind of needs that you have. You can get loans from the bank or moneylenders with a fixed repayment period and interest rates. Most long-term and short-term loans require repayments between 30 days […]

Company Loan Singapore
secured loan Singapore

5 Tips When Applying For a Company Loan

A company loan is a type specialized for businesses that need some financing to cater to their needs. This can either be in operational expenses or expansion expenses. At times, the sales in your company may not be working well, or you need some extra cash for the sake of the growth of the company. […]

Unsecured Loans Singapore
secured loan Singapore

Guides to Borrowing Unsecured Loans in Singapore

Have you ever heard of unsecured loans?  Well, there are both secured and unsecured loans that have different terms. For the unsecured types of loans, you won’t require any kind of collateral to get a loan. However, for secured loans, you will need to have collateral to ensure that you get your loan on time. […]