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Unsecured Loans Singapore
secured loan Singapore

Guides to Borrowing Unsecured Loans in Singapore

Have you ever heard of unsecured loans?  Well, there are both secured and unsecured loans that have different terms. For the unsecured types of loans, you won’t require any kind of collateral to get a loan. However, for secured loans, you will need to have collateral to ensure that you get your loan on time. […]

Tips and Guides

5 Tips When Applying for a Company Loan in Singapore

As you plan to build your business, it’s almost impossible you won’t apply for a loan. As hopeful as you can be that you will get financing, one thing that instantly crushes your dream is – loan rejection. This is something that over 80% of businesses in Singapore experience, and this could be you some […]

Money Lender Singapore
legal money lender

8 Reasons Why You Should Borrow From A Licensed Money Lender

Are you short on money and intend to borrow from a money lender in Singapore? Most people decide to take out bank loans when they don’t have enough money to cover their expenses. However, banks often have a more stringent and complex approval process, which may not be beneficial if you require money quickly. If […]

Credit Company Singapore
company loan Singapore

How do I know if a credit company is legitimate?

If you find yourself worried about the legitimacy of a credit company, it’s advisable to take your time to do due diligence to know if it’s legitimate before you involve them. Fraud has risen in almost every business, where you will find scammers or other corny business people. Most clients lose a lot of money […]

legal money lender

What Is A Legal Money Lender?

A legal money lender is registered with a regulatory agency and must be licensed to give out loans and services. What this means is that they are bound to follow the already set rules and regulations by the government, among other factors.  A look into what is the difference between licensed moneylenders and banks. Typically, […]